Racing Fun: PH Team race ahead with Go-Karting

The thrill of zooming around the track in a go-kart, feeling the wind in your hair as adrenaline pumps through your veins. Now picture this with some of the team at Pearson Hards! We named ourselves “Not Fast….just Furious!” which the commentator favourited the most, naturally! It was not just a fun activity; it was also a great bonding experience.

At Daytona Racing, Sandown Racecourse in Epsom they prioritize safety by ensuring all participants wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets, jumpsuit and gloves. They provided a thorough briefing on the rules of the track and proper driving techniques to prevent accidents. A light system made sure that colleagues respected each other's space and drive responsibly to avoid collisions. Thankfully we only had a few spinning incidents and avoided the collisions! A couple of entrants were asked to “calm down” by the glaring LED board we were presented with each lap completed.

As members of the Surrey Law Society, we had signed up to Go-karting as it offers a unique opportunity for colleagues and other lawyers in the industry to come together outside of the office environment. Engaging in friendly competition strengthens teamwork, communication, and camaraderie.

We each completed a practice lap and then the race began…..1.5 hours of fast paced racing! Racing around the track at high speeds was a great way to blow off steam and relieve stress! We certainly experienced a sense of achievement and satisfaction despite not winning the race. Alex even achieved his fastest lap ever and we all managed to pull a few more places ahead on each drive. If only getting out of the go-kart was as easy!

Go-karting with some of the team was not just about racing around a track; it was about building relationships  and fostering a sense of teamwork. So, gear up, rev your engines, as we fully recommend an exhilarating go-karting experience at Daytona with your friends and family or colleagues!

"Teamwork makes the dream work. And in this case, it also made for a fantastic go-karting experience!"

Despite our clear natural talent for racing, we felt we should stick with our day jobs, and we are still available to discuss any of your legal requirements.

Alex can assist with Commercial matters on

Emily with Conveyancing matters on and for

Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney please contact Claire-Louise on